Sunday 18 August 2013

Chris Brown Sentenced to 1,000 hours of Community Service

Today a judge sentenced Chris Brown to a whopping 1,000 hours of community labor and also reinstated the probation stemming from his horrific assault of ex-girlfriend Rihanna.
The district attorneys went to great lengths to argue that the singer lied about completing his prior community service and submitted bogus records. Apparently their arguments were persuasive because 1,000 additional hours is is quite a lot!
Think about it!! Chris could pick up highway trash or scrub off graffiti in parks for well over a month straight, and he still wouldn't hit his mark!! Yikes!
If there's one silver lining, it's that his hit-and-run case was recently dismissed, but we somehow doubt he'll be celebrating that small victory tonight!
Every action has a consequence, though, and the judge in the probation violation case apparently doesn't appreciate Breezy breezing right on through his court-ordered sentence!
Witnesses say Chris was mostly silent during today's hearing. We guess he had a lot to think about.
Whether he likes it or not, Chris is about to start giving back to the community!h

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